Stoma with depression on right and left side. In this condition eakin can be of great help! In the last picture, eakin seal is molded and kept to maken the depressed skin even so that ostomy appliances will attach longer. Most of the patients in Nepal have problem of frequent leakage from ostomy appliances. There is no trend of visiting to stoma care specialist because unknown about the need. In some cases, even patients know that they have to meet the ostomy nurse but they feel that nurses can not treat the problems like doctors. That means the nurses are not trusted as doctors. Thes two types of factors are playing a great role in proper management of ostomy related problems.
Sunday, February 3, 2013
Eakin seal, a solution to many ostomy problems!!!!!
Stoma with depression on right and left side. In this condition eakin can be of great help! In the last picture, eakin seal is molded and kept to maken the depressed skin even so that ostomy appliances will attach longer. Most of the patients in Nepal have problem of frequent leakage from ostomy appliances. There is no trend of visiting to stoma care specialist because unknown about the need. In some cases, even patients know that they have to meet the ostomy nurse but they feel that nurses can not treat the problems like doctors. That means the nurses are not trusted as doctors. Thes two types of factors are playing a great role in proper management of ostomy related problems.